

Short-headed and high-skulled type with fleshy features, a flat occiput and hooked nose, often black-haired with light brown skin, medium height and thickset build. Body hair abundant, eyebrows thick, chin weak, lower lip full. Common in mountain regions of Asia Minor, especially Armenia and Anatolia. Was found in ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites, and Cypriots around 4000 BCE. Like Dinarid, it seems linked to Bell Beakers. The main variety is the Armenid proper, found from Lebanon and North Iran to Armenia. In Anatolia a finer-featured, Dinaroid Anatolid variety exists. In mixture with other groups, Armenoids contributed to several intermediate varieties in Europe, India, and the Middle East (Litorid, Carpathid, Assyroid, Yemenid, Indo Brachid). Recent migrations have enhanced their influence in various world regions, especially Central Europe.


Armenid (Eickstedt, 1952; Lundman, 1967; Vogel, 1974; Lundman, 1988; Knussmann, 1996), Near Asiatic (Cheboksarov, 1951; Debets, 1974), Anatolienne (Vallois, 1968), Armenoid(e) (Hooton, 1946; Cole, 1965, Biasutti, 1967), Homo s. syriacus (Kraitschek, 1903).

Similar types:

Dinarid Turanid
Alpinid Orientalid
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