

Type of the African Pygmies, living in Central Africa. Shows the strongest adaption to tropical rainforest conditions of all humans. Bambutids belong to the shortest humans, the males hardly surpass 140 cm. Very short-legged, athletic. Noses are the widest in the world, often wider than the mouth, features overall infantile. Hairiness stronger than in savannah groups, lips thinner, skin fairer, face wide, the peppercorn hair ranges from reddish-blonde to black. The type diverged from others some 60 000 years ago and developed through hunter gatherer lifestyle in the forests. East Bambutids show the most pronounced features, their stature is shorter, face wider, nasal root lower, and prognathy weaker than in West Bambutids. The similar Twa-Cwa group shows stronger Congolid influence. Most Bambutid tribes today suffer from war, discrimination, and loss of culture.


Bambutid (Eickstedt, 1934, 1952; Vogel, 1974; Lundman, 1967, 1988; Knussmann, 1996), Negrillo (Cole, 1965; Debets, 1974), Négrille (Vallois, 1968) , Pigmidi (Biasutti, 1967), Central African (Cheboksarov, 1951), (African) Negrito (Hooton, 1946; Coon et al., 1950), Pygméenne (Montandon, 1933), Homo akkalis (Haeckel, 1898).

Similar types:

Congolid Negritid
Sanid Khoid
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