South Amazonid

Group: Amazonid


The most dynamic Amazonid variety, emerged in northern savannahs and spread south across Brazil to Paraguay and Argentina, pushing back older Lagids. Common among Tupian speakers, e.g. Apika, Awá-Guajá, Guarani, Kawahib, Chiriguano, Piripkura, etc., and the extinct Tupi and Querandí. Although tribal numbers collapsed since European contact, still important in Brazilian / Paraguayan Mestizos.

Physical Traits:

Yellowish/reddish light to medium brown skin, straight or slightly wavy hair. (Rather) short, mesoskelic, ectomorph to endomorph. Mesocephalic, sometimes brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic. Mesorrhine, prominent high-rooted nose. Face is oval and relatively high, cheekbones not very pronounced, forehead broad, slightly receding chin. Eyes slanting, Mongolian fold rare.


Eickstedt (1934) defined and described the type as South Brasilid. Amazonid was used synonymously instead of Brasilid (Imbelloni, 1958; Biasutti, 1967; Kunter, 1987). Lundman (1967) also defined a southern Tupi Amazonid subgroup. Brasilid was used by Canals Frau (1950) and Knussman (1996), among others.

Similar types:

West Amazonid North Amazonid
Central Andid Lagoa Santa
Pampid Botocudo
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