
Group: Patagonid


Slightly gracilised Patagonid variety, native to the vast plains of the Argentinian Chaco and Pampa. Sometimes mixed with Amazonid elements. Typical groups include the Chorote, Chané, Mataco, Kadiweu, Pilagá, Toba, Wichí, Mocoví, Abipón, and the extinct Charrúa of Uruguay. Mixed with Andid in Puelche. Today still important in the Paraguayan Mestizo population.

Physical Traits:

Olive medium brown skin with straight and black rarely wavy hair. Medium height to tall, brachy- mesoskelic, mesomorph to endomorph. Mesocephalic or mildly brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic. Weakly leptorrhine, high and straight nose. Facial features more gracile and longer compared to other Patagonids, skull and stature shorter. Lips are full, body hair weak, eyes slanting.


Lumdman (1967) described Pampid as transitional to the southern Patagonids, Biasutti (1967) as the proper variety of his Pampid. Eickstedt (1934) as the nothern Pampid subtype, the other including Patagonians. Pampid (Imbelloni, 1958; Kunter, 1987) and Patagonid (Canals Frau, 1950; Knussmann, 1996) were often synonymous.

Similar types:

South Amazonid Bororo
Central Andid Huarpid
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