East Shanid

Group: South Mongolid


Eastern variety of Shanid, weakly influenced by Veddid. Typical for the plains and river valleys of Indochina, especially from North Thailand to Laos. Probably migrated South from China in historic times, soon outnumbering older types. In recent centuries Sinid elements have caused heavy admixture. Still relatively pure in Lao, Northern Thai, Tay, Sibala, etc. More mixed in Dai, Akha, Brau, Vietnamese, South Chinese, Malay people, and Cambodians.

Physical Traits:

Yellowish light to medium brown skin with straight, sometimes wavy hair. Medium height, macro- mesoskelic, ectomorph. (Hyper-) brachycephalic with a relatively high, meso- leptorrhine nose. Face is relatively long, not as flat as in Sinid, and more elongated than in Palaungid, but still round, features are more refined and gracile. Eyes are relatively large, slanting, sometimes with the Mongolian fold.


Eickstedt, 1937 named and described the East Shanid variety. Lundman (1967) included it in Malaid, Biasutti (1967) in South Mongolid, Hooton (1946) and Cole (1965) in Malay-Mongolid.

Similar types:

Shanid Tonkinesid
Deutero Malayid Annamid
Khmerid South Palaungid
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