
Group: Eskimid, Pacifid, Sibirid


Northern Pacifid variety, heavily influenced by Sibirid and Eskimid admixture. Developed by relatively late migrations from Asia some millennia ago that swept into Proto Pacifid populations. Typical from Alaska to the Canadian states of Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and British Columbia. Common in Athabaskan speakers like Ahtna, Carrier Chilcotin, Dogrib, Sacree, Tanana, Telah, Tutchone, and others. Eskimid-admixed in Chipewyan and Gwich'in.

Physical Traits:

Light yellowish-brown skin, straight, sometimes wavy dark brown, occasionally lighter hair. Medium height, mesoskelic, endomorph, sometimes mesomorph with long arms. Meso- brachycephalic, orthocranic. Leptorrhine, pronounced, usually straight nose. Face not as angular as in more southern varieties. Jaw massive, cheek bones weak, body hair moderate, slanted eyes common.


Named by Eickstedt (1934) as a Pacifid subtype after works of Hrdlicka (1930). Corresponds to Drexel's (1955) Subarktid. Part of Knussmann's (1996) Pacifids and Lundman's (1967) Deneids. Has a strong North-East Asian genetic influence (c.p. Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2010).

Similar types:

Bering Sea Inuid
Yenisey Pacifid
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