
Group: Bantuid, Khoid, Ethiopid


Distinctive East African type of the Tanzanian savannahs, especially the Dodoma region. A relict of Khoisanid populations that were more widespread prior to the Bantu expansion. Also linked to Maasai. Most common in the Sandawe, who still speak a click language. More mixed in Datooga, Turu, Mbugu, Burunge, Gogo, Bon, and Akie.

Physical Traits:

Usually medium brown skin and kinky or peppercorn hair. Medium height, brachyskelic, ectomorph to endomorph, occasionally steatopygic. Often dolichocephalic, sometimes mesocephalic with a rather wide face and mesorrhine nose. Body hair very scant. Eyes appear narrow, sometimes pseudo-Mongoloid. Mild prognathy possible.


Early anthropologists rarely studied or classified the type like e.g. Dempwolff (1916). Modern studies find them to be a distinct, genetic outlier (Tishkoff et al., 2009; Schlebusch et al., 2012). Was often considered a Northeastern Khoisanid (Eickstedt ,1934; Cole ,1965). Detailed physcial descriptions were given by Trevor (1947).

Similar types:

Paleo Saharid Maasai
Hadza North Bantuid
Khoid Xhosaid
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