
Group: Lappid, Sibirid, Tungid


Northwestern Sibirid contact type, influenced by strong Tungid and possibly Lappid elements. Has migrated to the Yamal peninsula and surrounding regions during the Middle Ages from a more southern place, possibly the Minusinsk Basin or Altai-Sajan region. Typified by the Nenets, also in Enets, and mixed in Selkups and Nganasans. Until the 19th century, relict populations existed in the Altai Mountains.

Physical Traits:

Light yellowish-brown skin with coarse-straight brown or black, rarely blonde hair. Short, macroskelic, mesomorph to endomorph. Brachycephalic, chamaecranic sometimes orthocranic. Mildly leptorrhine or mesorrhine, slightly prominent nose. The face is flat and fleshy with large, protruding cheekbones. Body hair weak, the Mongolian fold is found regularly.


The type was investigated early by Sommier (1887) . Lundman (1943, 1967) treated them as a separate contact group, noting strong Lappid and Kumid elements. Eickstedt (1934) as Sibirid with Lappid influence, Biasutti (1967) even as Paleo Siberian. Alekseev (1983) and Levin (1963) as an admixed Uralid.

Similar types:

North Lappid Baykal
Uralid Katanga
Aralid Yeniseiy
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