The most widespread Pamirid variety, typical for the steppes and lowlands from Uzbekistan to Xinjiang and the Ferghana Valley. Somewhat influenced by Aralid. Formed by contact of Turanids with Tungid-influenced groups and became widely dispersed by nomads. Most common in Uzbeks and Uyghurs, sometimes Tajiks, Kazakh, Afghans, Chinese, Anatolians, and even Hungarians.
Physical Traits:
Light brown skin, often straight, brown or black hair, eyes sometimes mixed. Medium height, brachyskelic, ecto- to endomorph. Brachycephalic, orthocranic. Mildly leptorrhine. Body hair relatively weak. Face not very flat, sometimes with the Mongolian fold.
Defined as the Plains variety of the Central-Asiatic-Inter-River race by Oshanin (1964), this race was also called Pamiro-Ferghan (Debets, 1974; Alekseev and Gochman, 1983). Originally united with Aralid in Turko-Tatar (Deniker, 1900) or Turanid (Eickstedt, 1934). Called Pamirid by (Eickstedt (1937). Schwidetzky (1950) noted stronger Tungid influence as in other Pamirid groups. Part of Biasutti's (1967) Anatolico-Pamirana.