North Indid

Group: Indid


Indid subtype of Pakistan and Northwestern India, often associated with ancient Indo-Aryan migrations from the North. Common in Punjab, where it is typified by the Sikh and Punjabi and upper/warrior castes of the Doab. Also in Rajputs, Patharns, in Kashmir and the Hindu Kush. Extends to Southern India, where a similar Toda variety exists. In the North it is transitional to Indo Nordic.

Physical Traits:

Light to medium brown skin, straight or wavy, brown or black hair. Tall, mesoskelic, ectomorph. Dolichocephalic, mildly hypsicranic, rather large-headed. Leptorrhine, long and often convex nose. Face high and narrow, lips relatively thick compared to other Indids, beard and body hair is stronger. The chin is weak.


Eickstedt (1920, 1934) defined it as Type 2 / North Indid (German: Nordindid) . Lundman (1967), Bernhard (1993) and Knussmann (1996) kept the name. Deniker (1900) and Vallois (1971) called it Indo-Afghan, Risley (1915) and Sarkar (1961) Indo-Aryan. Biasutti (1967) defined it as Indid proper, Hooton (1946) as a darker variant of Indo-Nordic. Some combined it with Iranid (Cole, 1965 and Vogel, 1974: Irano-Afghan; Cheboksarov, 1951: Indo-Pamirian).

Similar types:

Iranid Indo Nordic
Gracile Indid Mountain Indid
Keralid Toda
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