
Group: Sinid, South Mongolid, Ainuid


Special Japanese type, influenced by ancient regional elements. Named after the old Chikuzen province that is today part of Fukuoka Prefecture. Probably represents a Mongolised variant of the Ainuid robust Tsukumo type of the Neolithic. Most common in the northern half of Kyushu Island. Was often found among Samurai. Occasionally found across all Japanese islands.

Physical Traits:

Yellowish light brown skin with coarse straight, sometimes wavy hair. Medium height, mildly macroskelic, ectomorph to endomorph, sometimes mesomorph. Mesocephalic, hypsicranic. Mesorrhine, sometimes depressed nose. The face is significantly wider and shorter than in the Choshiu type, faces are less high and often shallow, the mouth is larger and features are more robust. The epicanthic fold is common.


Defined and named by Matsumura (c.p. Matsumoto, 1921, 1925). A more detailed analysis on the type was made by Hulse (1943). Eickstedt (1944) describes it in Samurai, Levin (1963) analyses its position within the different classifications.

Similar types:

Ishikawa Aoshima
Choshiu Yakonin
Huanghoid Satsuma
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