
Group: Tungid


Distinctive Tungid variety, probably split from neighbouring types at the end of the Paleolithic. Native to parts of the Sakhalin-Amur region. Typified by Nivkhs (Gilyaks), mixed in Ulchs, and rare in Orochs and Aleuts. Nivkh culture suffered heavily from Chinese and Cossack influence. The type is present only in a few thousand today.

Physical Traits:

Light yellowish-brown skin with coarse straight to wavy, usually black hair and mostly dark eyes. Rather short, macroskelic, endomorph, sometimes ectomorph. Brachycephalic, orthocranic with a mildly leptorrhine, slightly prominent nose. The face is moderately flattened, broad with very protruding cheekbones. Mongoloid features and epicanthic folds very pronounced. Prognathy mild, body hair rather strong, eyebrows thick.


Montandon (1933) and Eickstedt (1934) regarded it a Maritime Mongoloid (Tungid) variety together with Aleutians. Biasutti (1967) placed it in Paleo Asiatic. Lated defined as the Amur-Sakhalin type, a Tungid (North Mongoloid) variety (Levin, 1963; Debets, 1974; Schwidetzky, 1974; Alexeev, 1979).

Similar types:

Baykal Bering Sea
Gobid Aoshima
Manchu Korean
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